Event box

Virtual Chelmsford Genealogy Club: Mining Genealogical Gold in Federal Records by Linda MacIver on Zoom #1
Is it possible that you are a researcher who thinks that your 'regular Joe' ancestor would not have done anything notable enough to have produced a federal record found at the National Archives? Yes, you have searched the most common federal records that are well known and easy to find. But it may be that you haven't completed that "reasonably exhausted search" unless you include more than those usual federal records. It really is a myth that our families weren't important enough to be in records preserved at the National Archives!
Please register above to receive the Zoom link 24-48 hours before our meeting and/or, contact Lisa Francine, (978) 256-5521 ext. 1107, lfrancine@chelmsfordlibrary.org with any additional questions. A reminder that this presentation will not be recorded and that registration closes 2 hours before the event.
- Date:
- Tuesday, January 5, 2021
- Time:
- 7:00pm - 9:00pm
- Categories:
- Adult > Literature & Learning Adult
- Online:
- For online registrations: Event URL will be sent via registration email.
- Attachments: