Event box

Teen DnD One-Shot Adventure!

Registration is required. There are 7 seats available.

Casually interested in D&D? Looking to get a taste of play without committing to a group or campaign? Grab your dice and join us for a fun, action-packed, one-shot encounter! No experience is necessary, and character sheets are available at the library. Please create a character ahead of time, information on how will be sent to registrants ahead of the program date. This program is for grades 7-12.

Contact Julia Sullivan (978) 256-5521 ext. 1123, jsullivan@chelmsfordlibrary.org with any additional questions.

Saturday, March 1, 2025 Show more dates
1:30pm - 4:30pm
McCarthy Meeting Room (Entire Room)
  Teens and Tweens  

Event Organizer

Julia Sullivan

Julia Sullivan - Reader's Advisory/Reference Specialist - jsullivan@chelmsfordlibrary.org

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