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Resolve Conflicts Constructively:  Strategies to use with other adults--friends, family, colleagues

Resolve Conflicts Constructively: Strategies to use with other adults--friends, family, colleagues

Resolve Conflicts Constructively

Strategies to use with other adults--friends, family, colleagues

Shari Holmes Stokes, EdD

Do some conflicts get the better of you: Do you easily go on the defensive; compromise but later aren’t happy with the results; find yourself avoiding confrontation entirely?

Shari has practical strategies to share that can support worthwhile resolutions. 

Dr. Stokes has taught classes and given workshops on conflict resolution for people of all ages. She has used these strategies in her own teaching and written a book for teachers on fostering constructive behavior.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
6:00pm - 8:00pm
McCarthy Meeting Room (Entire Room)
  Adult     Adult > Literature & Learning  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Jill Kenny

978-256-5521 x1114


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