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VIRTUAL- Hidden Gems-A photographic journey off the beaten path in New England

VIRTUAL- Hidden Gems-A photographic journey off the beaten path in New England

Take a trip with New England photographer Bruce Magnuson and explore sites in the region that are off the beaten path.  

The Rutland Prison Camp and Dana Common are linked to the creation of the Quabbin Reservoir in Central Massachusetts, which now supplies much of the drinking water for Eastern Massachusetts. 

Further east, Dogtown outside Gloucester, MA has its own complicated history that ranges from colonial times to the present day. 

In western New Hampshire, Madam Sherri Forest includes ruins of a jazz age mansion and abundant natural beauty. 

Requiring a bit more effort to get to, these hidden gems offer a glimpse into New England’s rich history, scenic beauty, and stories that echo through time. Whether you’re drawn to solitude, artistic inspiration, or simply curious exploration, these lesser-known places hold their own magic. 

Please note this is a VIRTUAL event. Please CLICK HERE to register on zoom and receive the link.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
7:00pm - 8:15pm
Online - Zoom #1
  Adult > Travel     Adult - History     Featured Event     Online Program  
For online registrations: Event URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WULFHHz1QLm2FtfgZILz5w

Event Organizer

Jill Kenny

978-256-5521 x1114


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