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VIRTUAL: Murder, Mayhem and Scandals in New York
Are you interested in finding out about being tarred and feathered, shot by the Black Hand in Little Italy, being caught in a great fire or ravishing flood, participating in a riot, attending some fascinating trials, or encountering some of the most unsavory characters who ever lived in New York City? Of course, this doesn’t count meeting all the ghosts that haunt the City. Then, this is the presentation for you. Don’t worry, it isn’t as gory as it sounds.
Presenters: Susan & Art Zuckerman, Licensed Tour Guides, Radio Talk Show Hosts, Authors, College Professors, Historians, Lecturers, World Travelers
Media Coverage/Appearances/Publications:
Ø WVOX Radio –hosts of a weekly radio show, “Z Travel and Leisure” since 2002; “NYS Most Influential Station”; reaching 5-6 million people
Ø Released “IT HAPPENED IN NEW YORK CITY” co-wrote their first Book; in bookstores locally January 2010 for book signings
Ø Currently pending a new book, “STRANGE NEW YORK”
Ø Guides Association of New York for licensed guides Apple Award Winners: “Guiding Spirit” Award
Ø ITV London – “Brooklyn, the Other Borough”
Ø History Channel – “Cities of the Underworld – Chinatown, New York City”
Ø The Travel Channel – “The Secrets of Central Park”
Ø BBC Alive London – “The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade”
Ø BBC Scotland – “Aftermath of the World Trade Center”
Ø ZDT Germany – “Central Park – 150 Years Old”
Ø TF1 France – “New York City Dog Friendly”
Ø Creation of Videos on NYC Neighborhoods and Secrets of NYC
Ø Trains tour guides and offer classes on “How to be a licensed tour guide “
Ø Inside Edition – “Taking Your Dogs Anywhere”
Ø Selected by the Department of Tourism of New Jersey to create 12 tours
Ø Chosen to lecture “Beijing China” Department of Tourism on the touring Industry
Ø Monthly contributor for cable magazine NeworldTV ; neighborhoods of New York City
Ø Creators of over 60 Virtual Tours (Zoom) presentations of New York City
Ø Exclusive Musical Luxury Bus Tours with performers singing on the bus
Ø Variety of Food Tour experiences
This is a VIRTUAL program only - CLICK HERE to register on zoom and receive the link.
- Date:
- Thursday, April 18, 2024
- Time:
- 6:30pm - 8:15pm
- Location:
- Online - Zoom (AAdams)
- Audience:
- Adult
- Categories:
- Adult > Literature & Learning Adult Online Program
- Online:
- For online registrations: Event URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ARAroC70QNCFj-d5dbpduA