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VIRTUAL - Genealogy Club presents "Creating a Grandfather's 'Living' Autobiography" by Linda MacIver

VIRTUAL - Genealogy Club presents "Creating a Grandfather's 'Living' Autobiography" by Linda MacIver

Please note this is a VIRTUAL event.  Please CLICK HERE to register on zoom and receive the link.

Creating a Grandfather’s “Living” Autobiography by Using DeepStory on MyHeritage

Linda MacIver will introduce you to DeepStory, MyHeritage’s groundbreaking new AI-based tool which enables your family history to come alive. Built upon their previous photo enhancement and colorization tools, MyHeritage has added very realistic animation and audio, allowing your ancestors to tell their own personalized stories. You can edit and expand the basic narrative, and, by adding photographs, maps and other graphics, provide context in time and place. If you have struggled with attempts to provide a fun and easy way to reach out to family members, DeepStory‘s simple template creates an exciting and unique product to document, preserve, and share your most treasured family memories.  Come and see how it is done!



Linda B. MacIver is an educator, lecturer, librarian, and genealogy researcher. She recently retired from a 27- year career at the Boston Public Library where she inaugurated the BPL patron genealogy classes, teaching the multi-week beginners’ course for five years. She organized two popular seasons of the Local and Family History series and developed the Intermediate Genealogy Summer Lecture series. Linda is the former Secretary and Civil Records Director for Federal Records for the Massachusetts Genealogical Council and a member of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists (MSOG) and the Essex (Mass.) Society of Genealogists (ESOG.) She serves as the New England Representative for the Essex (England) Record Office. Linda has a BA in History from the University of New Hampshire, an MEd from Boston University and earned her MLIS at Simmons College. She was the 2018 recipient of the Richard S. Lackey Scholarship to the Genealogical Institute for Federal Records (GEN-FED) and the inaugural recipient of the 2019 Senior at the Center of Excellence Award sponsored by Xerox Corporation and the City of Boston.

Thursday, February 22, 2024
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Online - Zoom (AAdams)
  Adult > Genealogy     Featured Event     Online Program  
For online registrations: Event URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Hlc-hOXRTVmqf0rfPn_3Zg

Event Organizer

Jill Kenny

978-256-5521 x1114


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